Monday, December 8, 2008

Walking away from the news

I am so sick of the 'gloom & doom' news reports. Whether the news report is on television, the paper is on my dining room table, or the Yahoo headlines are in front of me, there are always terrible predictions about the economy or world we live in. I used to feel that I need to know what was going on around me, and that it was better to know bad things than be ingorant about them. Even the radio show I used to listen to faithfully was perpetually angry. I had to stop listening.

Last night my husband turned on "60 Minutes." We were watching a segment about a massive oil refinery being built in Saudi Arabia. It was interesting at first, and I was blown away by the projections of the amount of oil under this one new oil field. I was reminded of one of my Abraham-Hicks CDs, which said that there are more than enough resources. But ... the segment soon turned lack-based. As I laid on the couch watching the show, I felt negative thoughts towards my own financial state come into my mind. I had had a wonderful day, but started feeling bad in my mind, and 'tight' in my body. I felt bad for about 10 minutes before I became conscious of it. Once I got up and distracted myself in the other room, I resurfaced into the wonderful mood that I had been in.

I am so grateful that I have the ability to notice my mood. I am grateful that I recognized what this news show was doing to my emotions & vibration.

Here's to thinking good-feeling thoughts! =)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Book Review: Manifest a Miracle

When I first heard about Manifest a Miracle, I thought “oh great, another product re-hashing 'The Secret.'" There is SO much redundant information on the Law of Attraction out there. But my friend urged me to grab a copy of Manifest a Miracle, citing her own success. So I bought it, just to humor her, and ... Manifest a Miracle is easily the best Law of Attraction book I’ve read to date (and I’ve read them all!).

First off, what all other manifestation products lack, this one embodies from beginning to end. Manifest a Miracle has been lovingly crafted and is meant to teach anyone how to immediately change their life for the better. Where other products offer a theoretical background but little helpful practical advice, Manifest a Miracle contains page after page of practical, useful exercises and processes that can actually get the Law of Attraction working! The concept of Law of Attraction is nice, but that's beginner stuff ... practical information on how to utilize the Law of Attraction is what's really important to me! This product is nothing dull or dry – it’s all fun stuff!

The author’s knowledge and warmth pervade this book. It’s obvious that Gary is manifesting his desires, because his happiness and excitement radiate from each page. There is no better teacher than one who is a living example, and Gary is definitely living the life he desires!

Most importantly, the processes given within Manifest a Miracle are easy to practice and surprisingly fun! No more dry, repetitive visualizations – here are some exercises that are really easy to get into, and truly do what they are supposed to do. You’ll be feeling great in no time!

Gary describes how best to work these exercises into your daily routine in order to wake up feeling good, feel good all day, and go to bed feeling good. Within three days of starting my own schedule, I was feeling fantastic! Two days later and I found my first desire had manifested. Since then, there has been no turning back, and I have Manifest a Miracle to thank for this.

Just think. What would have happened if I hadn’t grabbed this book? I’d still be creating a reality I wasn’t happy with. I had no idea how easy it really is to attract everything I want!

If you’re looking for the one Law of Attraction guide that will give you all of the tools you need to truly manifest your desires with ease, grab a copy of Manifest a Miracle today. It’s truly the “feel good” book of the year!

How to... Manifest a Miracle

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Homemade Cleaner

I was cleaning my kitchen yesterday & ran out of my favorite Trader Joe's cleaning spray. I've always been a fan of natural products, so I hopped on the internet to see what kind of cleanser recipes I could make. I found this one, and am pretty impressed with how clean my counters feel. My kitchen is cleaner than it has been in weeks.

All Purpose Cleanser recipe:

1. Combine the following ingredients in a clean spray bottle: 2 T baking soda, 2 T white vinegar, & 1/2 t dishsoap

2. Add 2 cups of water and a few drops essential oil (essential oil is optional).

3. Shake the spray bottle gently to combine the ingredients.

4. Spray, wipe, and enjoy your clean kitchen! =)

I love how clean my house feels right now. A clean house makes me feel "lighter," and more energetic. A clean house is ... simply fab! =)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Positive Thought

I want to tell you about my bedtime ritual, which I learned from Abraham-Hicks. Every night when I go to bed, I make a conscious effort to relax into my bed and think about all the good things that happened to me that day. Usually my thoughts start with my husband, how glad I am that we answer questions every day from 1000 Questions for Couples, & how truly happy our marriage is. Then I allow my thoughts to meander through my day, stopping on all the positive interactions I had & the good things that happened to me. After I have spent a few minutes thinking back over my day (or as I am drifting off to sleep), I tell myself that I am going to release my thought and sleep well, & that I will wake in the morning feeling wonderful. When I wake up the next morning, I lay in bed for a few minutes thinking how comfortable my bed is, how soft my sheets are, and how glad I am that my husband is laying there beside me. After a few minutes (and provided that I don't fall back asleep!) I get up, and know that I'm off to a great day.

I have never been a morning person. Until I get coffee in my system, I used to be pretty grumpy. Since I've been doing this evening/morning positive thinking ritual, I start my day in an amazing mood. I'm alive, eager, and full of ideas! I may not be talkative until the coffee is made, but I feel wonderful!

Until next time, stay fabulous!

Friday, October 24, 2008

LOA & my sister

Hi folks,

I hope you enjoyed the "Power of Attraction" article ... I know I did! I am a strong believer in the Law of Attraction, and am always looking for new things to read & listen to. I discovered LOA back in 6/2007, when I got "The Secret" on CD. Those CDs played in virtually a continuous loop in my car for about 3 months. After a while, I started to realize that "The Secret" was a great starter course, but didn't provide much concrete information. I spent a lot of time online looking deeper into LOA and checking out website. I came across Abraham-Hicks, but at that time I wasn't ready for them. "Channeled?" I thought, "Yeah right!" It took another 5 months or so, during which time I had vacillated between watching my thoughts & all-out reaction to the things around me. I found Abraham again last January, and the new beliefs that I have in LOA have 100% changed my life. The financial circumstances around us are starting to change, but my mental set-point is so much closer to Source, so much more of the time.

I always used to wonder why my life was so much better than my sister's. We grew up together under the same roof, and are good friends, but our lives have taken us in 2 very different directions. I'm happily married, have been stably employed or self-employed, am financially stable, have a great group of friends, and have lived in the same house the last 4 years. She moves in with a new boyfriend every 18 months (and moves home with our parents imbetween), constantly hits new financial lows, doesn't have many friends where she is living now, feels like she was left behind when other girls her age are getting married & having kids, and a few other things that I don't feel right discussing, even in the anonymity of the internet.

As I was saying, I used to wonder why our lives are so different. But I don't wonder anymore, I know why our lives are different: expectations. I expect things to always turn out well for me, and I turn my thoughts to positive things. I think my sister is always waiting for the 'other shoe' to drop, and even when she starts to get stable, things fall back apart for her. A few years ago, when she was in a particularly bad spot, I sent her "The Secret" CDs. (Not my copy, of course... I ordered her a new set from Amazon.) We were talking a few nights ago, and she was telling me about some new drama in her life. I asked her if she still had the CDs I'd sent her, and the response was less than positive, to say the least. "I'm not listening to that 'power of positive thinking' junk," she said, "I tried to win the lottery once and didn't ... it doesn't work."

What could I say to that? It works for me, but manifestations are not instant. I used to try to "will" my lottery numbers to be drawn, but I realize now that it doesn't work that way. I'm starting to see things "pop" in my life. As Abraham says, 99.9% of all manifestations are done before we see any evidence. Little things are happening that let me know that I'm closing in on my vibrational escrow. It's so close, I could reach out & touch it ;-)

Until next time, stay fabulous!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Article: The Power of Attraction

How The Power Of Attraction Can Help You Get What You Want?
| by Emmanuel SEGUI |

"Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person we become" said Jim Rohn, one of the world's leading motivational speaker, philosopher and entrepreneur. Every great achiever knows that certain mental laws exist by which you can turn all your dreams into reality. The law of attraction is one of the most important to understand, use and abuse!

Like attracts like.

"For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own." This ancient scripture summarize what the law of attraction is all about. It is attracting to your life whatever you give your attention, focus and energy to, whether wanted or unwanted. The Law of attraction can work for you or against you. It's all up to you. What are your main thoughts directed to: goals, success, achievement, wisdom, truth, love?

Simply ask yourself: "So, what do I want?"

Studies have shown that more than 90% of self-talk is negative. In other words, all day long, you fill your mind, consciously or not, with negative thoughts and unproductive feelings. You therefore get a corresponding life. The law of attraction doesn't know (and doesn't care) if this is a good or bad thought. It attracts whatever you're thinking about. The solution to a more successful life is simply asking yourself: "So, what do I really want?" Take some time to define your ideal lifestyle, in every aspect of your life: family, business, financial freedom... And now that you have defined these goals, use techniques like affirmations or visualization to literally flood your mind with positive, motivating thoughts and feelings.

Does everyone ELSE seems luckier?

A lot of people like the verb "to complain". This is because they don't want to take 100% responsibility for their lives. However, this is the solution. "Everyone seems luckier than me," they say. Luck is a shorter term for "applying the law of attraction into my life daily". You can be as "lucky" as anybody else. Follow some simple steps that every highly successful person will tell you: set goals, dream big dreams, fill your mind with these positive thoughts and emotions and let the Law of Attraction work for you.

What You Think Is What You Get

Your reality will represent what is going on in your mind and subconscious mind. Your attitude will be reflected back to you by the attitude of those close to you and around you on a daily basis. If you are positive and optimistic - you'll have positive and optimistic people around you.

Re-visit from time to time the definition: "the Law of Attraction is attracting to your life whatever you give your attention, focus and energy to, whether wanted or unwanted." It works all the time, everywhere, it's completely up to you to activate it. Set goals, long-term goals and literally flood your mind with positive, motivating thoughts and feelings. This is how you become excellent, more prosperous and a successful entrepreneur.

Copyright 2005 Emmanuel Segui

Article Source:

About the Author
Emmanuel SEGUI - Author of "Moving from Vision to Action" STOP having average grades and discover how you can empower your learning and your life through NLP Click => » Read more articles by Emmanuel SEGUI

Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Away

Over the weekend, my husband and I drove up the coast for a romantic weekend getaway. There is something so relaxing about watching the ocean ripple as we drive past it. I love the way cliffs and rocks give way to the ocean. I watched for whales ... wrong time, wrong place. We did see a seal when we were at the beach on Sunday! It was out in the waves, but we saw it's black head pop up a few times. We brought "1000 Questions for Couples" on the trip. All the time we spent driving gave us lots opportunity to ask new questions. During this trip, we asked "What first attracted you to me? How has that one attraction changed since then?", "What is the optimum amount of sleep you need to feel energized", and "If you received a year-long paid sabbatical, what would you like to do?" We asked a few other questions, too, but I should probably keep those private.

On our getaway, we also went pumpkin picking! Such a fabulously fun, fall-ish, and inexpensive date! =) We brought the pumpkin home with us, and will carve it when we get a little closer to Halloween. Oh how I love the smell of pumpkin!

Until next time, stay fabulous!